I'm drawing a list of letters and numbers with PHP April 22 2014, 6 Comments
I'm drawing a list of letters and numbers with PHP and am passing the value with Xajax so once it in a form element it's easy to use. The following code is just an example to clarify my question.X
hello test on April 22 2014 at 04:56AM
I just had the same need and did a bit of a search (of the pages Tetchi mentions) and this is what I ended up with to grab the first paragraph of the description and use it elsewhere
test user name on April 22 2014 at 04:54AM
I just had the same need and did a bit of a search (of the pages Tetchi mentions) and this is what I ended up with to grab the first paragraph of the description and use it elsewhere
test on April 22 2014 at 04:30AM
hello test on April 22 2014 at 03:38AM
hello test on April 22 2014 at 03:35AM
hi on April 22 2014 at 03:21AM
hi hi hi hi